Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grrr...Other Women...

So my husband works with this 40 year old woman who has begun bringing him home-cooked food to work...she only does this for him, no one else....she is not married....

It has raised my suspicion...

I don't think Mike is [or would] cheating on me, I trust him completely...however I don't like it that this woman is so interested in caring for my husband! If he needs to eat I am going to be the one to feed him!!! I am his wife...that's part of my job description, right! ? !

I needed to rant, sorry...this lady could be completely harmless and look at my hubby as a son...however I dont' think so...she's 40, he's 23....she buys him food as well....it's just a little weird...

What do you think???


  1. Jenysie, I think you need to have a long talk with your husband. Let him know that you do not want him to accept anything else from this woman. Let him know straight up that you are not comfortable with it, that it looks bad, and that it will have people talking. If he respects your marriage He should honor your request. The woman may have good intentions, but she has gone over the line. I'll be praying for a positive resolution.

  2. I sort of agree with the last comment. Talk to your hubby and just ask him to not accept anything from her anymore. Not to be rude or anything, just politely decline. Also, if your husband was the one who told you about her bringing him food, then I dont think you would have anything to worry about. Men who are doing something underhanded normally dont let their wives in on it. Im sure he would have kept it a secret if he had any wrong ideas at all.

    One other thing, how would you feel about preparing him a nice home cooked meal and taking it to him at lunch? Maybe when she see's your presence she will get the gentle hint and take a step back.

    I wish you luck!!!

  3. Well, coming from a complete third party.... I think it's possible she could be just being kind. But our womanly instincts tell us to be jealous so it's natural!! I would just talk your husband about it :)
